How To Coupon

How To Coupon Introduction

It is amazing that people will wait till Black Friday to buy their expensive electronics only to save 50-100 bucks, but the average consumer does not realize that they can save THOUSANDS of dollars on their yearly grocery bills. The average person might take one or two coupons from a Sunday Paper, and then use it during their grocery shopping.  That is unless they forgot coupon on the kitchen table.  This is not an effective way to use coupons!

Imagine if you will a common coupon of .40 cents off of 6 yogurt at .50 cents each.  You take that coupon to a store that doubles coupons up to .50 cents all of a sudden that coupon is worth .80 cents.  Not a big deal huh?  Well, now you are paying .35 cents per yogurt with just one common manufactures coupon, but that still might not be a big deal for everything.  After all, what's .15 cents extra per yogurt.  That's easy, it's $41.60 dollars.

That's not too shabby, huh? Well, imagine if one week a store ran a special for yogurt for .40 cents, and offered an extra store coupon, take an extra .10 cents off each.  All of a sudden, the yogurt only costs .15 cents a cup!  These kinds of deals do happen every so often.  Consumers are literally throwing away money by not using coupons!

There are just a couple of steps to become a coupon expert, but it can take a long time to master these steps.  Couponers need to organize their coupons in a logical usable way, and they need to stockpile both coupons and purchases.  Whenever their is a good deal a coupon needs to buy as much of the product they can and have the coupons to buy massive quantities.  The rest is easy, and we will even show you the best deals on our blog!

Organize Your Coupons

This step is VITAL to being a successful coupon expert.  It can be a challenging task. There are many different ways to organize coupons, but their are some key things that need to be taken into consideration.
  • Which coupons are you going to take?
  • Are you going to walk from one end of the store, to the other, and then back to the middle to find all the products you have coupons for?
  • Are you going to take all your coupons with you?
These are just some things that you should consider when figuring what system of organization you want to use.  There might be an unadvertised deal in the store that could make a product free, but you left all your coupons at home!  Don't waste gas, and plan ahead.  Follow these tips with whatever system you use:
  • Organize by isle: This will save you a headache later, but it will be one of the hardest things to learn!
  • Binder: Buy a binder, and put all the like coupons together with duplicates in the same slot. 
  • Expiration Date: Figure out a way to keep track of expiration dates.  There is nothing worse then letting a group of coupons expire!
  • Plan: Figure out what coupons you will use before you go to the store and put them in a baggy.  Once you have the item in your cart put the coupon in a different baggy!
  • Be prepared: Unadvertised deals do happen.  Bring all your coupons and just leave them in the car.  It just might save you gas!

How to Coupon: Stockpile

This is my favorite part of using coupons, the stockpile!  There really is nothing like going down to your basement and just seeing a small store of shelves full of cereal, hygiene products, and other assorted goods.  Sometimes couponers catch their spouses just staring at their stockpile!  It is a sight that is hard to explain until you experience it yourself.

This is not just for fun or show, though.  There is a logical reason to do this type of stockpiling!  Crazy sales like this happen in cycles, and they might not be around for another year.  Think of it this way, Black Friday happens once a year, and it is undoubtedly the best time to buy electronics and toys.  Even if you do not get the crazy door-buster deals, the other electronics on sale will be the cheapest they have been all year.  The same concept applies to coupons! This requires couponers to become organized hoarders and buy up as much of a cheap item as they can.  Hopefully, their stockpile will last until the next time that specific item goes on sale!

There are only certain things that can be stockpiled, but just stockpiling those things can save you a fortune.  A few months ago the price of the Gillette Pro-glide Razor was FREE at Walgreen's with the use of a coupon and register rewards!  A smart couponer could have bought enough to last them for the rest of their life, or at least as many as they could have obtained coupons for.